A Study of the Works of the Flesh versus the Fruit of the Spirit.

In Martin Roberts’ most extensive and explosive work the reader is submerged into the hidden wickedness of today’s culture and the dangerous traps it lays before us. In using the Bible as the road map, Roberts clearly identifies all the “works of the flesh” and the subtle deceptions the enemy uses to enslave a man to them.  Rather than condemnation, the author “invites” us to assess our actions as if posing them in a mirror before us, where everything can be seen…including the motives of our hearts.

By contrast, the acknowledgment and denouncement of our sin also proclaim our desire and right to the joyous fruit of the Spirit. One cannot enjoy the “works of the flesh” and at the same time expect to experience the love, joy and peace that God promises.  As Roberts notes, “Paul went on to explain that those who follow the fruit of the Spirit do so by virtue of the peace of Christ in their hearts. But action is required to receive the fruit of the Spirit.  Conversely, a person is told to put to death the works of the flesh and have nothing to do with them.  This then illustrates that these works are derived from the devil.” (MIRROR MIRRORCh 4)

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